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Ki Aikido

The Way of Mind & Body Coordination

  • ​Ki Aikido is a modern Japanese martial art which develops unification/coordination of mind and body using the principles of Ki.​

  • Ki Aikido is neither a sport nor a self defence training. Unlike other martial arts that focus on achieving faster or more powerful movements to win over others, the art of Ki Aikido is entirely based on the principles of non-dissension & non resistance, both on and off the mat.  Ki Aikido cultivates the spirit of harmony within us, as well as, the harmony with the Ki of the universe. There is not any aggression and no competition in Ki-Aikido.

  • Ki Aikido is an art of living that promotes true confidence, reduces stress, makes one feeling better and eliminates fear of living. The purpose of the practice is learning to unify our mind and body through enjoyable exercises and natural movements that will enhance the quality of our lives.


  • Ki Aikido teaches us how to relax positively in various daily life circumstances. Positive relaxation indicates living calmness, natural posture and unmovable mind.


  • Ki Aikido classes offer a positive learning environment where people of all fitness levels and ages can practice together.

The Purpose of Our Training

  • Whereas both traditional and modern martial arts focus on harming, injuring and winning over others, the art of Ki Aikido aims to transcend the conflict in any shape and form.

  • All aggression & violence exhibited by human beings are ultimately motivated by fear, and in particular the fear of losing control over others or losing control over situations.  When any form of conflict is transcended, the mind is set free, and completely relaxed, because it is no longer consumed by the desire for revenge, control or winning over others.

  • The fight or flight response is deeply embedded in human psyche. Unlike other martial arts, the art of Ki Aikido is designed to undue this fight or flight response.     

  • To truly enjoy practicing the art of Ki Aikido a healthy and free mind is required. The mind is neither healthy nor free if it is intoxicated by drugs, by the desire to win over others and, last but not least, by tribalism in any shape and form.

  • Doing drugs, having double standards, having a pack/clique mentality, feeling superior to others because of one's intellect, nationality, religious beliefs, social status or gender, throwing people under the bus in the workplace and backstabbing another person, weaken and unsettle the coordination between mind and body. Down the road, by pursuing this dark path the mind becomes dull, narrow minded and the spirit perverted.

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